A glass half full
Welcome to oh! so vino.
We are all about our love for wine balanced with an ideology for moderation.
It's close to my heart, because it's born out of a deeper mission to enjoy the little moments in life and tackle the feeling of being alone.
I experienced my Mum going through a journey of loosing my Dad, and the change that meant that she went from a full busy house of 5 to living alone. That's a hard journey that's made harder by the nights alone and dealing with everything being designed for a couple or family.
She loves a cheeky wine and there's been so many good times we've had when popping a bottle of Prosecco or sharing a bottle of red with her sister. When at home by herself, a bottle of wine was too much for what she wanted or too tempting to finish in one night.
Similarly, at home when I was coming home from a frankly s*** day at work, I would also face the same problem. Want a glass of wine, don't want to open a 750ML bottle. So often I'd walk away or force myself to drink the rest over the next few days or I'd throw the vinegar away in a few weeks.
I searched the major bottle shops for great-tasting small size wine bottles. Not only are they difficult to find, but most of them tasted rank, just rank.
So that's the reason I started oh! so vino. This is a collection of half bottles and piccolos that are genuinely delicious. Every wine is tasted before being added and is from independent wineries. It's designed to be fun, flexible and enjoyable.
I'm excited to start this journey! And can't wait to share more wines with you.
Catrin, Founder